Programming Windows (Fifth Edition)

2.9.1. Chapter 9 - BtnLook

Last updated: 2001/2/28


The left part shows one button of each kind and the right part displays the messages received when you click/double-click on these buttons. Note that the ownerdrawn button is not fully implemented.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

2.9.2. Chapter 9 - Colors1

Last updated: 2001/2/28


Splits the window in two parts. The left part contains three scrollbars: one for the red, one for the green and one for the blue. The right half shows the resulting color.

Note that if you resie the window so that the scrollbars don't have a thumb anymore or so that the scrollbars are very narrow, then there are big problems with the blinking caret. You can even go so far as to make the scrollbars disappear but the caret will still be visible.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

2.9.3. Chapter 9 - Environ

Last updated: 2001/2/28


Displays the names of the environment variables sorted alphabetically in a listbox. Selecting one of them displays its value in a text label right above.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

2.9.4. Chapter 9 - OwnDraw

Last updated: 2001/2/28


This example implements two ownerdrawn buttons. These buttons decrease and increase the size of the window by 10% respectively. There is a minimum window size and once you reach it the window size will remain constant and the window will shift to the right!

Wine tests

Winelib tests

2.9.5. Chapter 9 - PopPad1

Last updated: 2001/4/1


This is a simple text editor with scrollbars, right-click menu offering one-level undo, cut, copy, paste, delete and select all functionality. The usual keyboard shortcuts also work (Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Ins,...)

Wine tests

Winelib tests

2.9.6. Chapter 9 - head

Last updated: 2001/2/28


Allows you to navigate the current disk using a listbox. Double-clicking on a directory shows the contents of this directory in the listbox. Double-clicking on a file displays the start of that file in the rest of the window.

Wine tests

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