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Hack zone

(Compare hacker and cracker in "The Jargon File")

I worked on these programs back in the time when I was porting this huge Unix application to Windows NT and windows 95. This was a client/server application with (fortunately) very little graphics. This gave me the opportunity to delve into the details of the differences between the Unix and the Win32 system interfaces. It also because of this experience that I ported these applications from Unix to Windows.
All the applications are free (BSD, GNU, or even no license) and come with the source. Don't hesitate to modify them, tweak them, enhance them. I will appreciate it if you send me your suggestions, source modifications, ..

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What is ICMP ?
ICMP is a protocol which can conceptually be placed above IP but which in fact is part of it. That's because IP uses it to transmit maintenance information and error reports like: unreachable host, incorrect parameter, ... If you want to know more about ICMP read the RFC 792. In this context reading the RFC 791 about the IP protocol is probably a good idea.

What is icmp_dev for ?
The operating system is not the only one allowed to send ICMP packets. You can do so too in your programs. Normally you would use RAW sockets for that purpose but the Winsock does not support RAW sockets. As a replacement Microsoft created "icmp.dll" which provides a specific API for sending ICMP packets. Of course this is unofficial and undocumented... except in icmp_dev. icmp_dev provides the needed headers and libraries for Intel, Alpha, MIPS (R.I.P.) and PowerPC (R.I.P.)
Well, I must admit that the icmp_dev headers and libraries seem to originate from Microsoft. Also the Winsocks 2.0 and above support RAW sockets. But currently only NT 4.0 has it.

What can I do with ICMP?
ICMP is typically used in tools like ping, traceroute or bing. For example ping sends ICMP Echo Request packets and expects to receive in return ICMP Echo Reply packets or another type of ICMP packet indicating an error. It would not be possible to write a tool like ping without ICMP packets. ICMP is also used in other applications less tied to it. Squid for instance (a very good Web cache) uses it to determine its network environment caracteristics and then optimise its behavior accordingly.

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Readme - Man page

This ping tool is a good example of a tool using the icmp_dev library described above but it's also much maore than a mere sample application.

  • First it conforms to the Linux ping tool which means that it supports the fairly standard set of command line options introduced by the first ping on BSD. Thus you will find many options that are missing from Microsoft's ping tool. For instance, these options allow you to keep a temporary link from being shut by sending an ICMP packet every two minute. The command "ping -i 120" will do just that.
  • Then it also provides RTT measurements that are more precise than those of Microsoft's ping. The accuracy obtained is in the microseconds order instead of the milliseconds. The statistics are also more complete. Furthermore, you can also use this ping tool as a traceroute tool using the "-t" option. With this option you can even gather complete statistics for the RTT to each host on the route.
  • Finally I'm quite sure you will find many other uses for this ping tool. As usual ping_src contains the sources and ping_win32_i386 the documentation and executable for Intel platforms.

If you plan on compiling ping yourself don't forget to take the icmp_dev package.

* bing_src-1.0.4.tar.gz - 19970603 - 26k
* bing_src-1.1.3.tar.gz - 19970603 - 38k
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Readme First - Readme - Man page

What is bing ?
bing is an application written by Pierre Beyssac which measures the RAW bandwidth of a remote network link. Let me ad some precisions. By "remote" I mean a link not directly connected to your computer. For instance you can measure the bandwidth of a link between you ISP and the rest of the internet. By "RAW" I mean that you can measure the intrisic bandwidth of the link not what's left once the other users have taken their share. So even if a link is saturated and you can only get 1KBps out of it bing will be able to tell you whether it is a 128Kbps link or 256Kbps or more. Now don't expect miracles. You will not be able to measure the bandwidth of an ethernet link in a remote end of the internet through your modem at a time when the internet is completely saturated.

How does bing work ?
bing uses ICMP of course ! bing sends Echo Request packets of different sizes and analyses the resulting RTT change. RTT vary a lot from one measure to the other so bing has to make multiple measures each being measured as accurately as possible and then it takes the minimum RTT for each host and packet size. For more information on bing have a look at the Readme file.

Which file should I download ?
There are two versions of the source. The version 1.0.4 is the latest stable official release which was developped by Pierre Beyssac but it only runs on Unix. The version 1.1.3 is a derived development release which I ported to Wind32 platforms. Eventhough this is a developpement release I think it is stable enough to be used instead of the 1.0.4 release. For the users of the 1.1.2 release on Win32 I really recommend the upgrade to this 1.1.3 release as I greatly improved the precision of the RTT measurements.

* bing_src-1.3.5.tar.gz - 19991025 - 79k

Bing 1.3 is supposed to be a reimplementation from scratch of bing but for now it just a bunch of code thrown together and you can consider yourself lucky it it goes as far as compiling. Nethertheless you are welcome to take it and hack it.

Why reimplementing bing from scratch ?
By reimplementing bing from scratch I hope to rearchitecture so that I can add new functionalities which I feel would be difficult to implement in the original version. These functionalities are the following:

  • First, instead of using only two packet sizes, bing 1.3 uses many packet sizes and performs a linear regression on (RTT,size). This should allow it, via the correlation ratio, to determine when we have know the RTTs with enough precision to have a good estimate of the badwidth. Reciprocally this should tell us which RTTs are not know with enough precision and thus to which machines we should send more probes.
  • The second goal is to introduce more ways to mesure the RTT. For instance some routers block ICMP packets but we could circumvent this by using the ECHO port. Another very interesting option is to use techniques that will elicit return packets of a fixed size.
  • By combining two RTT mesure methods, one with return packets of a fixed size and one with return packets of variable size, we can independantly determine the bandwidth of the uplink and the downlink. What the point ? More and more links have an asymetric bandwidth: X2/56K/V90 modems, various kinds of DSL, some cable modems, ... The "classic" bing is unable to mesure the bandwidth of such links.
  • Another extension is to "simultaneously" mesure the bandwidth of all the links leading from one host to another. One advantage of doing it in one invocation of bing rather than many is that you need to send fewer packets and also that you should thus get your results faster.
  • Last but not least, a goal of this new architecture is to be extensible, and that at many levels: scheduling of the probes, RTT mesure techinques, user interface graphical or textual... For instance it is clear that some interesting mesure scheduling algorithms will not yield their results in the link order, i.e. link1, then link2, then link3, ... These algorithms will be best served by a graphical user interface or by a curses based textual interface.

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This su tools aims to provide the same functionality as on Unix. It should match the needs of the Windows NT users who want to start a new shell or application under a new identity.
Unfortunately Windows NT is not multi-user so su is far from working as well as its Unix counterpart. You will be able to start console and graphical (but then beware of NT bugs) applications but you will not get the environment variables of the new user, you will not be able to access his user registry section (HKEY_CURRENT_USER still points to the old user), the mounted network drives are still those of the original user and you will have to share them... This page is hosted for free by