Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95"

2.8.1. Chapter 9 - hugopoem

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Stores a poem by Victor Hugo in a resource, loads it and displays it in a window. The scrollbar has the focus and can be scrolled using the keyboard.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.8.2. Chapter 9 - resourc1

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Stores an icon and a cursor as resources. It then loads both, displays the icon forming a grid, and sets the mouse pointer to be the cursor.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.8.3. Chapter 9 - resourc2

Last updated: 2003/5/4


This program contains a black and white bitmap as a resource that it uses as a brush to paint the background. It also contains the same cursor are resourc1.

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