Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95"

2.6.1. Chapter 7 - anaclock

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Displays an analogic clock using the isomorphic cartographic mode which means a circle should display as a circle, not an ellipse, no matter what the resolution. But since this stuff is never setup properly...

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2.6.2. Chapter 7 - beeper1

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Sets up a timer so that it receives a WM_TIMER message every second. For each message, changes the color of the window between red and blue and emits a beep using MessageBeep. Note, the window starts blue and then alternates between red and blue.

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2.6.3. Chapter 7 - beeper2

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Same as beeper1 but using a callback method instead of handling the WM_TIMER message in the message loop. Note that this version starts with a white window, and then, aternates between red and blue.

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2.6.4. Chapter 7 - bounce

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Displays a bouncing ball. The movement of the ball is performed using bitblits and a timer.

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2.6.5. Chapter 7 - digclock

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Creates a popup window that docks itself in the top right corner of the screen and displays a digital clock (with only two digits for the year). Note that this window cannot be moved.

This clock is internationalized. So on Windows I can go into "Regional Settings" and display the date as "12/2/00" instead of "2/12/00".

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