Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95"

2.2.1. Chapter 3 - sysmets1

Last updated: 2003/5/4


Queries various system properties (SM_CXSCREEN,...,SM_SHOWSOUNDS) and displays the results on three columns: property name (hard coded), property description (hard coded), and value. It does not use any fancy widget like a table, aligning the columns is done by using TextOut. The window has no scrollbar so one likely will have to resize it to see everything.

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2.2.2. Chapter 3 - sysmets2

Last updated: 2000/12/2


This is the same program as sysmets1 except that it adds a vertical scrollbar. The program contains a bug so that the button to scroll down will only scroll one line. Dragging the caret works though.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.2.3. Chapter 3 - sysmets3

Last updated: 2000/12/2


This is the same as sysmets2 except that it adds an horizontal scrollbar. It also fixes the vertical scrollbar bug and the scrollbars disappear if the window is big enough.

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