Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95"

2.18.1. Chapter 20 - caller

Last updated: 2001/4/1


Demonstrates how to use the IMalloc COM interface. This programs has 10 lines which you can either allocate using malloc or IMalloc. To allocate things with IMalloc you must first create an IMalloc object. This program can also query the IUnknown, IMalloc and IMarshal interfaces to discover whether they are supported or not.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.18.2. Chapter 20 - callpub

Last updated: 2001/2/28


Same as caller but using the pubmem library.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.18.3. Chapter 20 - imalloc

Last updated: 2001/2/4


This library demonstrates how to implement an OLE/COM object by implementing the IMalloc interface.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.18.4. Chapter 20 - pubmem

Last updated: 2001/2/28


Same as imalloc but with a public server component.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API