Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95"
Last updated: 2003/5/4
This is a simple "Hello world" type of program. It displays "Hello, Windows 95 !" centered in the window while playing a wave file.
Wine tests
- Works fine, even plays the wave file.
Winelib tests
- Same as with Wine.
- Note that you must run it in the directory where the wave file resides otherwise it will not find it and you will not get any sound.
Tested API
- GDI32
CloseHandle, ExitProcess, FlushFileBuffers, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetACP, GetCPInfo, GetCommandLineA, GetEnvironmentStrings, GetEnvironmentStringsW, GetFileType, GetLastError, GetModuleFileNameA, GetModuleHandleA, GetOEMCP, GetProcAddress, GetStartupInfoA, GetStdHandle, GetVersion, HeapAlloc, HeapCreate, HeapFree, LoadLibraryA, RtlUnwind, SetFilePointer, SetHandleCount, SetStdHandle, UnhandledExceptionFilter, WideCharToMultiByte, WriteFile
- USER32
BeginPaint, CreateWindowExA, DefWindowProcA, DispatchMessageA, DrawTextA, EndPaint, GetClientRect, GetMessageA, LoadCursorA, LoadIconA, PostQuitMessage, RegisterClassExA, ShowWindow, TranslateMessage, UpdateWindow