Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95"

2.15.1. Chapter 17 - ddepop1

Last updated: 2001/2/4


This is a DDE server program which can provide information about the population of the USA states to a DDE client.

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2.15.2. Chapter 17 - ddepop2

Last updated: 2000/12/2


Same as ddepop1 but using the DDEML (DDE Management Library). it also updates the data every five seconds.

Wine tests

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2.15.3. Chapter 17 - showpop1

Last updated: 2000/12/2


Connects to the DDE server and queries it to get the population in each of the US states.

Wine tests

Winelib tests

Tested API

2.15.4. Chapter 17 - showpop2

Last updated: 2000/12/2


Same as showpop1 but using DDEML.

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