Wine, WineLib and "Programming Windows 95 with MFC"

2.3.1. Chapter 3 - GdiDemo4

Last updated: 2000/10/20


Same as GdiDemo3 but adds a keyboard interface.

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2.3.2. Chapter 3 - MouseCap

Last updated: 2000/10/20


Demonstrates how to capture the mouse. This application allows the user to draw segments. Thanks to the mouse capture, this works even if the mouse goes out of the client area. Note this application does not remember where things were drawn so that it is unable to repaint itself if some area is covered by another window.

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2.3.3. Chapter 3 - TicTac

Last updated: 2000/10/20


A game of tic-tac-toe where you must play both sides.

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2.3.4. Chapter 3 - VisualKB

Last updated: 2000/10/20


The window is composed of an edit box which allows you to type things. This edit box works in overwrite mode only, is reset when you fill it up or if you hit escape or return. Finally you can erase characters using backspace or move the caret around using the arrow keys or the mouse.
While you're doing all this, a scroll list displays all the keyboard messages received by the application.

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