Wine, WineLib and "Programming Applications for Windows"

2.3.1. Chapter 7 - filerev

Last updated: 2001/3/1


Demonstrates the use of memory mapped files by reversing the order of the characters of all the lines of a text file. You must give it the name of the file to start from on the command line. filerev will copy it to the file 'FILEREV.DAT', modify this file, and then start notepad to display its content.
filerev will automatically determine whether the file contains ANSI or Unicode by calling IsTextUnicode but it systematically assumes that lines are ended by '\r\n' and thus if you run it on a Unix text file you will loose the last character of each line.

Wine tests

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Tested API

2.3.2. Chapter 7 - mmfshare

Last updated: 2001/1/18


This application illustrates how one can use shared memory map areas to exchange data between processes.
To perform this test you must start, at least, two instances of mmfshare. In the first one type some text. Then click on 'Create mapping of Data'. Then in the second application clik on 'Open mapping and get Data' and the same text should appear in the edit box. Once you have done this data is no longer transfered from one application to the other, you must go through the complete sequence above again to do another test.

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